The president’s broken promise to trans students

Biden’s trans athlete “protections” look a lot like appeasement

the elysian collective
3 min readApr 7, 2023

Yesterday, we published a piece about how Republican bans on gender-affirming care have the “unintended” (completely expected) effects of driving trans youth closer to suicide and pushing their families out of red states.

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Today, the Biden administration — entirely ignoring the significantly greater threat posed by healthcare bans — proposed new regulations for inclusion of trans athletes in high school and college sports under Title IX.

The proposal: As long as school sports programs don’t “categorically” exclude trans athletes, they’re in the clear.

In practice, this would permit everything short of outright saying “no trans athletes allowed.” It is not something to celebrate. It is not a step in the right direction. It only seems to be such because Republicans in Kansas made the atrocious decision to legalize forced genital inspections of children earlier this week.

This is setting the stage for the government to slowly walk back the minimal protections trans people currently have under federal law.

Direct, documented hypocrisy



the elysian collective

rose (25) is one of several core members of the elysian collective, a plural system of dozens. they earned a BA in creative writing from evergreen state in 2022