Dear news media: your language matters

A case study in how not to talk about disability

the elysian collective
7 min readApr 30, 2020

Last Monday, NPR’s All Things Considered aired a four-minute package, reported by journalist John Hamilton. A podcast episode from NPR about ventilators — specifically, post-intensive care syndrome (PICS) — recycled this package earlier this week. In it, I noticed an unsettling quote from a critical care specialist, Dr. Amy Bellinghausen of the University of California, San Diego:

Unfortunately, oftentimes, when they’re coming off the ventilator, it’s not the same person as who went on the ventilator.

“Not the same person.”

I’ve heard this a few times regarding patients who have PICS, or post-intensive care syndrome. It’s a disturbing talking point to say the least. What are we telling patients who survive COVID-19 when we talk about them like a ventilator irreversibly changed their very identity?

Personhood runs deeper than ability

The first patient featured in this package is David Williams, a COVID-19 survivor and “former Marine who spent a week on a ventilator”. He discusses his functional limitations and how his abilities return as he spends more time off the ventilator.



the elysian collective

rose (25) is one of several core members of the elysian collective, a plural system of dozens. they earned a BA in creative writing from evergreen state in 2022