Change isn’t easy. Resisting it is harder.

Advice, not inspiration, from an Autistic adult during COVID-19

the elysian collective
17 min readMar 23, 2020

In the last week, my expectations for at least the next six weeks of my life have radically changed. Much of the global population had, is having, or will have a similar experience as we try to mitigate COVID-19.

Photo by visuals on Unsplash

The thing is, as an Autistic adult with a convoluted and traumatic past, I’m well-acquainted with this type of curveball. And usually, no one around me is going through the same changes at the same time.

So, this time, I already have something going for me. I’m not alone — and if you’re reading this, you aren’t, either. Solidarity is a powerful tool and experience.

With this in mind, I wanted to share what I’ve learned from my experience adapting to change, and some resources I think could help you adjust, too.

Make the psychological adjustment

Emotional whiplash and dissociation (feeling separated from your thoughts, feelings, memories, environment, or reality) are common reactions to trauma, change, and uncertainty. To get through them, you need a sense of control over some part of your life.

You can’t control the virus, but you can make some attempts to control how you adjust and…



the elysian collective

rose (25) is one of several core members of the elysian collective, a plural system of dozens. they earned a BA in creative writing from evergreen state in 2022